Tuesday 5 April 2011

Mixing dance with fashion?

This week I went into the studio to try and get some shots involving some dancers and powder paint. I thought well how difficult  can it be do capture the paint going through the air as the dancer is throwing it whilst doing some dance moves. Well turns out due to the fact that I was sharing the studio with 4 other people, was really difficult. Something that I definately did not take into consideration was the fact that powder paint travels- quite a bit actually.
The annoying thing is that at the end of the day, I didn't quite get the picture I wanted out of the shoot. These two images below is the closest I managed to get to the image I wanted.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to get anything more than these two shots which is a real shame. I had to then think about what I can to do instead of using the paint and decided to continue with the dancing and try to get some interesting shapes out of that.

I like some of the shapes that did come out of the shoot but I don't think that it really fits into the kind of work I have been doing- but either way it is something I really wanted to try and I suppose it was just a technical exercise for me- one that I just could not complete unfortunately.
If I was to go back to this shoot, I would do it a littl bit differently. I would find a way to section my area off so that the paint doesn't travel absolutely everywhere in the studio like this time- it is a nightmare to clean off the floor as well to be honest. When I first started trying to wash it off the floor, I ended up painting the floor red- yes red. I managed to get it all off in the end though so it wasn't too bad. I would probably next time style the model in something more than just a leotard and leggings. Possibly a nice floaty dress that would have nice movement to it when the dancers are dancing and jumping about.

Copyright Marce Michael Photography

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